In the mean time the instructions will be slowly uploaded for modellers to read and understand. These should start uploaded, before the release date.
The Z20 Loco Kit is built on an Etched Nickle Silver frame, 3D printed parts, mastered into pewter castings.
Slaters wheels with a Roxy Mouldings 40:1 gear box driven by a Mashima 1833 motor.
I have 3D prints made in clear plastic for head lamp inserts and the back head sight glass. The inserts will accept small LED's or fibre optics.
The kit will have 2 options for speakers and will have advice as to what DCC sound decoder will be suitable to add to the kit. The 2 locations will be in the Smoke Box and or the Bunker. The speaker boxes will be of the sugar cube variety. They will not be included in the kit, but a link will be provided for you to purchase both the speakers and the boxes in the instructions.
The kit will come in a timber box with each kit numbered, that will act as a carry box when the model is complete.
I will also be holding build days at my home in Picton. These dates will be published after the release date through to December 2024. There will be plenty of opportunity to be involved with these build days. The simple reaseon for doing this is get as many models out of the boxes and cupboards and onto layouts.
Regards Keiran Ryan
Keiran Ryan