For a more comprehensive article on the construction of this type of module please go to Australian Model Rail-zine - $100 Module.

The modules for the Peak Hill layout have the following characteristics:

Module Profile Banner
There are 5 profile boards per module, or 1 every 450 mm (18") (or there about). The profile boards need to be exactly the same, to ensure the modules are built true. Therefore it is necessary to rough cut the boards, then using a master profile, route the shape onto the new profiles, thus keeping everything uniform. Six (6) profiles can be cut from a 2400 mm (94") x1200 mm (48") sheet of ply with a couple of pieces for some l800 mm (72") long boards left over. For more detailed plans, feel free to e-mail me. And keep in mind that this system can be used for longer modules, with the only restriction being on whether the modules are to transported or located in a permanent position.

3D Module Construction Stages Banner

3D Module stages

The construction of the modules is done in 4 stages, as can be seen by the drawing above, for a clearer plan on the construction of the modules, give me a quick e-mail, and we can arrange something, to suit you. When finished the layout will be located so that the rail height will be approximately 1400 mm (55") from the ground

Module Drawing Banner

Now that the basic construction of the modules has been discussed, let's move on to the actual modules in the layout. Previously I've stated that each module can be set up as a diorama, and it is planned that each module has it's own features or highlights, that it can stand alone as a model diorama. ---NOTE-- The reason that the drawings are on a slight angle, is because the track doesn't run parallal to the front of the boards and to minimise distortion, it was decided to keep the drawings with the track straight, not the boards. Boards 1 & 9 are not represented here, as they are on the layout to allow the track to return to the fiddle yard and create an open scenic area to experiment with (something typically NSW perhaps).

The vertical & horizontal lines on the module drawings, represent the 9MM ply framework, which with a little bit of planning, can be avoided when it comes to locating tunrouts and turnout motors, and anything else that needs to go under the layout.

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This site was designed & built by Keiran Ryan